Dressing for your day in court

Does how you dress on the day of your court appearance have any impact? Yes it does!
You are on display from the time you enter the court house till you leave.  You are being evaluated by both the opposing counsel and the court.  It is often said you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.  This is also true of the court room and with attorneys.  The judge decides much about you and your testimony by your dress and conduct, long before you open your month or your attorney speaks.

Think about it.  Do you look like a crook or a gang banger? A slick operator? The businessperson? The defenseless mom? Each of these persons will have a different experience even if all the facts and circumstances were the same.  Why? Because we are all humans.

Life is but a stage and the courtroom is no different.  Dress for the legal occasion and you will have an edge over your opponent and make the job of your attorney easier. Court room dressing also includes your jewelry and your shoes or lack there of. Don't were house slippers, don't laugh I have seen it done. When was the last time you had a haircut or styling?

If you have a tattoo, cover the thing up, it might be cool to attract the opposite sex, but in the court room all it will attract is trouble. Hey, while we are being honest here, pull the pants up, none wants to see your funky underway or pants hanging off your ass.

If you are movie star or really really famous, glitter might work.  If your not, leave the sparkle for date night. Shoes are often looked at to determine your status. Bet you did not know that. Shiny shoes and in good condition is the best.  Casual shoes say just everyday Joe. Working shoes or boots say just that, with the exception that I see many young blacks wear what is clearly a fashion statement, these count for nothing. Loud colors should be avoided.

OK so what do you wear to a legal interview or to the court? Men should have a tie, dark shoes and socks, dress pants or suit or at least pants and shirt in good condition, no t-shirts or ripped up clothing.  Women should dress as business or business casual.  No see through or short short skirts and yes you should wear panties and a bra. If you are wearing hoops, they should no larger than your finger.  Everyone should take their piercings out.